Friday, June 10, 2011

Inspired by Others

My daughter says I need to jump in and join this huge family; so here I am putting my fingertips on the selvedges of this vast cyber-quilt world.  I've been a Quilter since 1987 when I took my first class at a Local Quilt Shop.  I was the one who always raised my hand and asked all the questions.  My teacher was the "Queen of Patience" and never rolled her eyes as she gave another perspective to what she was explaining.  A year later, she asked me to explain how to make the  Double Wedding Ring quilt that I brought in for show and tell.  At the end of our session she asked if I would teach the class and I replied only if she promised to be there.

My two daughters have grown up sleeping under quilts and having a few special dresses made by Mom.  They are both artistic in their own way.  I look forward to sharing quilts from the past, projects for the present and dreams for the future.  Thanks for reading and I am eager to meet many new Quilting Friends.

Blessings to you,

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