Sunday, May 5, 2013

Springtime at Cox's
My good friend Linda and I met at Cox's Arboretum this week to enjoy the gardens.  We saw these turtle's sunning themselves in one of the ponds.

This looked like a family reunion.  The older patriarchs and then the youngsters.  One little guy slipped into the pond right before I snapped this.

Lilacs are my favorites!  Leah, my youngest daughter, will be bringing in bunches and placing vases all over our home.  My husband I were married in May, so the reception hall could be decorated with lilacs.  We will celebrate 34 years next week.

There were two families of ducks we could sit and watch.  This Mamma Duck was more receptive to our gazing than the other Mamma.
In my class with Alex Anderson, she talked about using pictures to guide you into color palettes for your quilt.  I have always wanted to do a green and purple quilt, but never quite sure about mixing the fabric colors.  This picture would be a wonderful guide!!  Thanks Alex for sharing wisdom and inspiring confidence!
Every Quilter needs a Drying Bush.  My Gramma Hill had a small clothes line, but she had several drying bushes.  I remember when she washed quilts from the upstairs bedrooms and tossed them over a drying bush to let them air dry.  I had a Viburnum Bush like this one at our home in Pennsylvania that I used as my Drying Bush.  At the end of the afternoon my quilts smelled good and our bedrooms smelled good for days!


Do you have a drying bush for your quilts?  I enjoy the old traditions.  If you have some family traditions to share, I would love to hear about them!
Chipper Piecemaker

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