Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy Memories of Paducah
My trip to Paducah was more than I ever could have imagined!  The Awards Presentation was filled with shrieks of joy and "Wow" after "Wow" as each quilt was lowered from the ceiling to an anxious audience.  I didn't place in the finals, but I was overjoyed to be a part of AQS Paducah's 29th Quilt Week.
The next morning my husband, daughter, and dear friend, Jenn headed to the Convention Center to find my quilt.  Needless to say, everyone found it before I did. 
My quilt was the 3rd grouping on the right hand side, just inside the main door.  I walked by each day just to peek at it.  I loved hearing kind remarks and congrats.
Contestants had a yellow ribbon with their name tags.  Winners had yellow and white ribbons.
The people at AQS are the friendliest people in the world!!  The vendors were eager to share their knowledge and let you try just about anything you desired.  Jenn and I were looking at fabric when Edyta Sitir asked if we needed help in her booth.  We were ecstatic to have her help!!  She loves to pick out fabric!!  Then we went to Hancock's and were dazzled with their sprawling selection.  It has the Wow-Factor!!  Right before we left the first time, we were told about the "Back Room".  I took a peek while Jenn stood in line.  We had to return a second time so we could shop in the "Back Room".  We were on sensory overload everyday and came home with too many projects!  Where do I start?? 
Isn't that what Quilt Week is all about...being encouraged, inspired, spending a little too much $$, chatting with authors, designers, quilters and staying up late to savor the day's purchases!
What were your happy memories about Paducah?  I would love to hear about your Quilt trips!
Chipper Piecemaker


1 comment:

Helen said...

Paducah is on my list. One day! Thanks for sharing your Patriots in Petticoats. What a honor. Looks like a great quilt festival.