Sunday, June 12, 2011

New Beginnings

Hi Friends,
The brown Farmer's Daughter quilt on the left was my first quilt that started my quilting romance.  The Rail Fence quilt on the right was my daugther's first pre-school quilt.  My first wall hanging was challenging because it had so many set in pieces with bias edges.  It has proudly hung in our living room of every home for the past 28 years.  It has faded slightly, but the memories are rich.  My daughter was the only pre-schooler with a quilt for Quiet Time.  She carried it under her arm every week for four years.  She still lays it on her bed at home during the winter months.  It has been part of the layers of love for 19 years.

Right now, I'm starting "Pieceful Nights" by Lori Smith.  What a beautiful pattern!!  I'm loving the process.  I have all the border strips cut and I'm piecing the center star.  I'll let you know my progress next time.
I love new beginnings! 

Thanks for stopping by,

1 comment:

SnoWhite said...

Beautiful quilts!! My mom is talented in this way.. but for me, I'll stick to the kitchen. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog.